Top 10 Unanswered Questions
in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
With Captain America: Civil War right around the corner, promising to kick off Phase Three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a hero-on-hero battle the likes of which we’ve never seen before, it got me thinking about some of the loose ends in the MCU that have yet to be tied up. No doubt Civil War will shed more light on the grand scheme of things in the Marvel world, plus get some nagging questions answered, but with answers often come more questions.
I tried to avoid
picking questions that a) will likely be answered in Captain America: Civil War, b) are overly speculative to the point
that they become more like fan theories, and c) are not questions that have
been posed from the actual movies [i.e: will the Netflix heroes ever cross over
into the movies? Is something fans want to know, but at this point, the Netflix
series’ have barely any connections to the movies so it’s not technically a
question posed by any of the movies.]
I’ve also included my
own ideas at the end of each question about when/in which movie we might get an
answer. Spoilers ahead, obviously.
This one’s a little speculative and a little nitpicky, but
just how many gauntlets are there, exactly? The last one we saw was on the hand
of Thanos, but it lacked any infinity stones. The first one we saw was on
display in Asgard in the first Thor
movie, but it seemed to have all the stones in place. Was that one just a prop?
Are there actually two? Chances are that first gauntlet complete with the
stones was just a fun easter egg that didn’t mean anything, but given it was
seen in a flashback to when Thor and Loki were just kids, maybe it was the real one and the stones have
since been removed and displaced, and the one Thanos dons in the Age of Ultron after-credits scene really
is that same one from Thor, minus the
stones. Of course another question is, how did Thanos get his hands on it if it
was locked up safe in Asgard?
Potential Answer:
maybe as soon as next year’s Guardians of
the Galaxy Vol. 2, but likely not until Thor
Ragnarok or Avengers: Infinity War
Part 1.
10. Is Stephen
Strange already Doctor Strange by Phase Three?
Hey, we just got a Doctor
Strange trailer! That was cool, right? I thought so, but it didn’t really
give non-comic readers much info on who this guy is or what his powers are. My
big question about Doctor Strange is,
when does this movie take place? The first time we heard Stephen Strange’s name
dropped was in Captain America: The
Winter Soldier, when Agent Sitwell mentioned people they’ve been
monitoring. He doesn’t say Doctor
Strange, he says Stephen, so I
wondered, is he just being professional and saying his actual name, or has
Stephen Strange not yet become Doctor Strange at that point? It seems clear
from the trailer the Doctor Strange
movie will detail his origins, but is it taking place before the events of Captain America: The Winter Solider? Or
after the events of Captain America:
Civil War? Or both? If it is set in the past, even if just by a few years,
that’ll make it the first movie in the MCU to take place in a previous time
since Captain America: The First Avenger.
Potential Answer:
Maybe a Captain America: Civil War
after-credits scene? If not, it should definitely be all cleared up in Doctor Strange later this year.
9. Is Groot as we
know him ever returning?
No one seems to truly die in the MCU, and the lovable
dancing tree known simply as Groot is no exception. At the end of Guardians of the Galaxy, a fragment of
Groot is revealed to be growing, having been planted in a pot by his partner in
crime, Rocket Raccoon. Another aspect to this question fans have asked is, did
Rocket know Groot would grow back if part of him was planted? His face seems to
indicate pleasant surprise, but whether he knew it would work or not isn’t
totally clear. Something I hadn’t considered until recently is, this new baby
Groot might not be like the Groot before. Sure, he’s a pretty simple,
straight-forward character, but maybe he won’t have any memory of what happened
before, making him basically a new character. Also, in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, will he be his full-grown giant
size again, or will he still be small? How big will he be, exactly?
Possible Answer: this
should be clarified in next year’s Guardians
of the Galaxy Vol. 2, for sure. It might even be explained in one of the
8. What happened to
everyone from The Incredible Hulk?

But, what about Bruce Banner’s girlfriend, Betty Ross? In
the comics, that’s Bruce’s girl, but as we know well by now, Marvel is content
with forging their own storylines, often radically different from the comics.
To be fair, Banner is basically off the grid at the end of The Incredible Hulk/the beginning of Avengers, but then, by the time Age
of Ultron rolls around, we still don’t know what Banner’s been doing or who
he’s been hanging out with. Oh, but we know he now has a thing for Black Widow.
We can assume he’s been teamed with the Avengers
over the course of Phase Two, but once again, at the end, he’s gone off the
grid, and not since The Incredible Hulk
have we seen or even heard about Betty Ross or General Ross (but we will see him in Civil War). But it doesn’t stop there, what about Abomination? We
know he’s still alive. How about that other guy who got all mutated? The lack
of follow-up from this movie is just one of the reasons it feels the most
separate from the MCU.
Possible Answer: Possibly
we’ll get more insight on these characters from General Ross in Civil War, but Hulk won’t be around, so
maybe we’ll get mention in Thor: Ragnarok,
since Hulk will have a presence there.
7. What’s Nick Fury
been up to?

Possible Answer: Civil War cameo? If not, I guess Avengers: Infinity War. Maybe they’ll
try to replicate the death of Coulson from the first Avengers in Avengers:
Infinity War Part 1, only with Fury dying instead of Coulson, which brings
the team back together after separating (which I’m guessing they will be
separated after the events of Civil War)
6. Who is Star Lord’s
A big part of Guardians
of the Galaxy was the mystery surrounding Peter Quill’s parentage. We know
his dad is definitely an extraterrestrial of some kind, though probably not of
the same species as Yondu, the pirate who abducted Quill from earth (not trying
to be space racist or anything, just, Quill really didn’t seem to have any
shades of blue on his skin). I don’t know what Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’s plot will be, really, but I do
know Peter trying to find out who his father is will be a pretty significant
part of the film. Comic fans thought they’d be clever and look to the source
material to find the answer, but director/writer James Gunn has made a point to
say his father in the film will not be the same as in the comics. Fans have
since gone on to speculate Adam Warlock, who has been confirmed to appear in Vol. 2, could be his outer space old
Potential Answer:
this is less potential and more likely certain: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 will answer this question. Think it
might be whoever Kurt Russel is playing?
5. Will we ever see
the real Mandarin?

Possible Answer:
To be determined. There’s been nothing since this one-shot to further confirm
or deny his existence. Hopefully he pops up one day in his truer-to-the-comics
form to appease fans still mad about his portrayal in Iron Man 3.
4. Is Ultron really
dead? What about Red Skull?

Most viewers shrugged it off as, well I guess Ultron’s dead.
Not me. In the comics, Ultron keeps coming back all the time—often with a
different body, but he’s still the same evil A.I. I don’t think Vision killed
the last Ultron, based on what he said earlier and the fact that a conscious
choice seemed to be made not to show it, but even if he did destroy that last drone, it’s entirely possible Ultron’s A.I. still
resides somewhere in the depths of cyber space, and is just waiting to make a
triumphant return.

Possible Answers:
Will Ultron and/or Red Skull return in Phase Three? If not in Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 or Part 2, then perhaps not until Phase Four, or maybe they really are
both dead and we’ll never see them again. But I doubt it.
3. Is Odin alive or
dead/Does anyone know Loki is ruling Asgard?
Again, sort of a two-parter, but they go hand in hand. Perhaps
the biggest cliff hanger ending from a Marvel film thus far has been the final
moments of Thor: The Dark World, in
which it is revealed Loki is once again not dead but very much alive (wow, so
original, never seen that before!), and the added surprise of this reveal is
that he’s disguised as his adoptive father Odin, and he’s sitting on the throne
in Asgard. It’s a reveal that has pretty big implications, and brings up a few
queries. What happened to Odin? He is getting pretty old, did he die and Loki
just filled in for him? Did Loki straight up murder Thor’s biological father
and take his place on the throne?
Fans thought the question of does Thor or anyone else know
Loki is impersonating Odin? Might get addressed in Age of Ultron. It wasn’t, but what we did get was Thor having a
vision of the apocalypse, and at the end he heads for home to figure out what’s
going on with the infinity stones. A couple other related questions: is Loki
still working with Thanos? Probably not, since the Age of Ultron mid-credit scene seems to indicate Thanos is going to
just do it himself, as he says, and isn’t relying so much on others to do his
Possible Answer:
the fate of Odin, Loki, and all of Asgard will likely be revealed in next year’s
Thor: Ragnarok. As far as Loki’s
involvement with Thanos, that might not be addressed until Infinity War.
2. Do the Avengers
know Coulson is alive?
Let me preview this by saying I don’t watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. What I do know
about it, though, from talking with people who have watched and still watch the
series, is that Coulson is very much alive. And yet…he didn’t make a single appearance
in any of the Phase Two films. We’re talking about the agent who appeared in
4/6 of the Phase One movies (including what were arguably the two most
important, the one that started it all (Iron
Man) and the one that changed it all (The
Avengers)) and then died heroically mid-way through The Avengers, which essentially brought the team together to defeat
Loki and his Chitauri army. His death wasn’t taken lightly by the team, nor the
Fans were excited to hear he would be back for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, but I think most
fans were more excited about the prospects of him popping back up in the movies
again. Only he hasn’t. Not once. Not even a cameo. Which is a little weird, and
begs the question, do the Avengers even know
he’s alive? It seems like a pretty major thing to have had them all find this
out at some unspecified point between movies and then never address it. Like,
imagine if Coulson just pops in to Civil
War, and Tony Stark’s like, wow wait, I thought you died, and he’s like nah
it’s good. It makes me wonder if we’ll ever see Coulson in a movie again.
Possible Answer: Not
soon enough, no idea when or where (if ever) we’ll find out if the Avengers
know about Coulson’s resurrection.
1. What is Thanos’
ultimate plan, exactly?

Then, in Guardians of
the Galaxy, a very familiar-looking purple alien by the name of Thanos
appeared on a floating throne of rock. Guardians
gave us a bit more insight into who this guy was. We knew he lived in space in
a place called Sanctuary, he had two daughters, Gamora and Nebula, and it reaffirmed
suspicions that he is one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, beings in the universe (as Drax says at the end
of the film, “…Ronan was only a puppet. It's really Thanos that I need to kill.”)
And then, in what may be his most important appearance thus
far, we see Thanos for a third time (the second time in a mid-credits scene)
after the event of Avengers: Age of
Ultron, as he puts on the golden infinity gauntlet and says, “Fine, I’ll do
it myself.” And what did Thor just talk about in the movie? And what did the
Collector talk about in Guardians of the
Galaxy? Oh, something to do with some infinity stones and how they’re super
powerful, and it kind of looks like they might fit nicely into that gauntlet,
don’t you think? That’s as much as we know about him at this point, but even
casual viewers have started to step back and go, wait a second, this guy seems pretty
important and pretty powerful, what is he up to? And these stones keep getting
mentioned, are they connected? Don’t forget the announcement Marvel made about Infinity War, which had a quick few
seconds of footage showing Thanos wearing the gauntlet with all of the stones
in place.
Yes, as comic readers have been pointing out since his first
appearance, Thanos is planning to use the infinity stones in the infinity
gauntlet to take over the universe. But we don’t really know that, based on
what the movie’s have explained thus far. Marvel is keeping their Thanos card
in their hand for now, waiting to play it for the final act of Phase Three,
with Avengers: Infinity War Part 1
and Part 2, in which we know Thanos
will take on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in a battle to end all battles. What,
exactly, Thanos hopes to achieve by collecting all these stones and using them
within the gauntlet, is still a mystery. What kind of power will he yield? How
can anyone hope to stop him?
Possible Answer: some
of Thanos’ plan might be vaguely explained in Thor Ragnarok or Guardians of
the Galaxy Vol. 2, but the full picture likely won’t come to light until Avengers: Infinity War Part 1.
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