Dolan’s Cadillac (2009) Review
Dolan’s Cadillac
is about a middle school teacher (Wes Bentley) whose girlfriend (Emmanuelle
Vaugier) witnesses the ruthless gangster Dolan (Christian Slater) in the
process of a human trafficking deal. The couple goes into the witness
protection program, and try to get pregnant. Then in a moment of pure
stupidity, she goes out in the middle of the night to buy more pregnancy tests,
leaving the safety of their guarded hotel room behind, and is blown up in their
car by Dolan. Of course, teacher dude is devastated and angry, so he buys a gun
and tries to kill Dolan, but that doesn’t work, so he starts working for a road
maintenance crew and traps Dolan by having him drive his car into a hole, where
he buries him alive and has his ultimate revenge.
You may be wondering why I just summarized the entire plot
of this movie. Well, if 1408 is an example
of the potential success in adapting a Stephen King short story to film, then Dolan’s Cadillac makes the case for the
exact opposite. This not a horror movie, nor is it a thriller, because it’s not
horrific or thrilling in any ways. What it is, is a bland, benign, and
extraordinarily boring crime/revenge movie.
Where do I start with this thing? Well, how about with the
characters. Not a single one is likable. Dolan is a supreme asshole; that’s
just his character, he’s the bad guy. But he isn’t the kind of bad guy that’s
entertaining, more just annoying. The teacher (I can’t even remember his name)
keeps getting haunted by visions of his dead girlfriend, and this just makes
him more irritating and dumb, despite his admittedly clever plan to trap Dolan.
That aspect of the movie is actually one of the only parts that isn’t totally
bogus, and I’m guessing because it was thought up by Stephen King for the short
story upon which this is based.
I’ve read the short story. I didn’t find it all that
remarkable, but what I do find remarkable is how badly they expanded on it for
this screenplay. The story only had two characters, really, Dolan and the
narrator (the teacher). All new character additions for the screenplay suck. There
was also a lot of exploration of how he set up the trap for Dolan, but in the
movie it’s skipped over in favour of having the entire last twenty minutes just
be the teacher and Dolan’s back and forth conversation before he buries him. It
could not have been more uninteresting.

This movie looks cheap. Not surprising, given it was made as
a direct-to-DVD feature (wondering why you’ve never heard of it? That’s why),
but I’ve seen a number of direct-to-DVD movies that didn’t look half as cheap
as this one. The cinematography, camera work, sound design, all of it is shoddy—one
of the only things that isn’t is the special effects, which still are nothing
special, I’m just surprised they weren’t as bad as pretty much everything else.
There’s nothing else to say, except to sum up that Dolan’s Cadillac is one of the worst
movies to be based on a Stephen King story that I’ve seen. It’s dull, dopey,
and utterly forgettable. Perhaps I missed something, perhaps someone who isn’t
familiar with the source material would enjoy more. Whatever the case, I can’t
recommend it at all.
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