Alien: Covenant (2017) Review
Alien: Covenant is
a sequel to 2012’s Prometheus—a film
which was a distant prequel to the original 1979 Alien. I really liked Prometheus,
though it divided a lot of fans and critics, and wasn’t much of an Alien movie at all, it was more of a
stand-alone sci-fi adventure concerned with the origins of humankind and the race
of aliens called Engineers.
Going into Alien:
Covenant, I didn’t expect that much from it. I followed the production of Prometheus quite closely and watched
every trailer, keen on figuring out the mystery surrounding it, but with Covenant, I didn’t follow much of the
promotional material because the marketing team seemed intent to sell this
movie at any cost, so there was no restraint on spoilers and everything they
showed looked a little too familiar. Going into Prometheus even after having seen all the trailers, I still didn’t
fully know what to expect, but Covenant
straight-up looked like a remix of the original Alien.

On that note, I found Alien:
Covenant maybe a quarter surprising, unpredictable, and original. The other
75 % was utterly predictable, either because the trailers spoiled it (not that
it’s the movie’s fault, but I honestly believe they showed at least one shot
from every scene between the two main
trailers) or because it was something that’s already been done before—and I’m not
talking just things done in Alien.
There are elements (plot points, moments of action, visual
cues) from Aliens and even Alien 3 present in Covenant. Some of the rehashed stuff I was okay with…except most of
it wasn’t done better or even as well as it had been done the first time. Even
the music is the same. I liked the original parts of the score; some parts of
the Prometheus score are re-used,
which I liked, but the re-use of the Alien
score was way overdone.

When they show up, they make some disturbing discoveries about
why nothing lives on the planet, and I won’t get into the story more than that,
because though the trailers spoil a lot of the action that goes on, they don’t
spoil many of the connections this movie makes to Prometheus. This is a
sequel to Prometheus, just not in the
way I expected.
A huge issue I had with Alien:
Covenant was some of the character logic, or lack thereof. There was some
dumb stuff in Prometheus, but in this
movie, there’s some even dumber
stuff. And it goes beyond characters doing things like exploring an unknown
planet without space suits or helmets, or not following quarantine protocols, or
splitting up as if they’re the Mystery Gang in Scooby Doo when they don’t know anything about the indigenous
wildlife. I’ll keep it vague, but there are a lot of bizarre story choices
made, many of them to do with the non-human characters. There’s also a hefty
amount of just plain weird stuff, which I mostly liked. Mostly.

Even more briefly, I’ll mention the creatures. There’s an
unfortunate lack of practical effects, and the cgi was 50/50 for me. Some shots
of the creatures looked quite good, but many of them looked too fake, and the
creatures are shown way too much. It completely goes against director Ridley
Scott’s method in the original Alien
of hiding the creature. His reason for hiding it was because if you saw it too
much, you saw it for what it was: a guy in a suit. Now, the problem is the
same, but modified: you see the creature for what it is: not a guy in a suit,
but a computer generated image that isn’t really there.
Alien: Covenant
was basically what I was expecting, but I actually found it more enjoyable than
I anticipated, in spite of all the issues I had. There were plenty of moments
that, as a huge fan of the series, got me particularly excited, but overall, it
never wowed me visually in the same way as Prometheus,
nor was the story or cast of characters as compelling. It reminded me of what The Force Awakens and Jurassic World did, by rehashing a bunch
of stuff fans knew from the original movie and making it into a kind-of-new

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