Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Frosty Returns (1992) Review

Frosty Returns (1992) Review

Frosty the Snowman has never been a Christmas special I’ve truly loved, even though I’ve made it a minor tradition to try watching it once during every other holiday season. Frosty Returns was the long-delayed third holiday special, and is considered by some to be superior to the original Rankin/Bass productions. For a while, I was in that camp of thought, but having revisited both recently, I now think they’re on about the same level. 

The actual return of Frosty is basically the same as the original. In the town of Beansboro, a little girl’s top hat lands on Frosty’s head and brings him to life. Surprise: she’s a magician. Frosty is in trouble when the evil Mr. Twitchell invents a spray called “Summer Wheeze”, which makes all snow instantly melt. That causes problems not just for Frosty, but for the entire town, because it will make the upcoming Winter Carnival impossible.  

Frosty Returns wasn’t made by Rankin/Bass. The original and Frosty’s Winter Wonderland were drawn in a style designed to resemble a Christmas card. The animation in Returns is similar to a Peanuts cartoon, but it feels distinct. Frosty is voiced by John Goodman (in the original it was Jackie Vernon) and is actually funnier this time around. The jokes aren’t as dimwitted as him saying “Happy Birthday” every two minutes. The only way I’d say Returns is inferior to the original is in regards to the songs. They just suck.  

One thing that’s always bugged me about Frosty the Snowman is how it’s so closely associated with Christmas when it really has little to do with Christmas at all. I always felt like the original shoehorned in the ending with him travelling to the North Pole and meeting Santa Claus. At least in Frosty Returns they don’t even attempt to make it festive. Nothing that happens in the 22 minute runtime has to do with Christmas. But, at least it’s concerned with preserving a tradition, so that’s, like, kinda Christmas-ee, right? 

Frosty Returns is a fun, quick-paced piece of animation, and stands on its own. It’s also features the only instance I know of when Frosty says “YOLO”. Seriously, he actually says YOLO. Don’t believe me? Watch it for yourself. 

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