Monday, September 17, 2018

Fall Update

Hey readers, the fall season is creeping up on us, and along with it, the month of October. I know the blog hasn't been as prolific in 2018, but that doesn't mean I'm skipping my annual marathon of horror movie reviews!

CLAYTON'S CREEPY CINEMA marks its fifth year this Halloween, and as you may know, I began this tradition as a tribute to one of my biggest creative inspirations, Cinemassacre (James Rolfe). When I went about picking the theme this year, I didn't even realize at first it syncs up with the theme of the fifth year of Cinemassacre's Monster Madness, but hey, it's a tribute, so it seemed fitting. This year's theme is...

Horror sequels usually aren't that good, so why am I doing a whole marathon of them? Well, actually, some franchises do have good sequels. In fact, some have multiple good sequels, and a few even have sequels that surpass the original. 

I'm going to be looking at seven different franchises, ranging from the black-and-white era of horror to the modern day, and in a Creepy Cinema first, including a review for a current film! 

Stay tuned, Clayton's Creepy Cinema begins October 1st, and runs all the way through the month to the 31st. In the meantime, I'll be hard at work on the reviews, but expect more content beyond Creepy Cinema before the end of the year! Thanks for reading and continuing to read, and keep watching movies!

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