Monday, September 16, 2019


To paraphrase something Stephen King once said, there is no other fan of one particular genre who is willing to wade through as much garbage as a horror fan. Fans of horror films will watch everything and anything, just hoping to come across an unknown gem, even though there is a large amount of crap out there. 

But sometimes, we just like crap. 

This may sound weird, but I often enjoy watching a bad horror movie as much as a good horror movie. This October, Clayton's Creepy Cinema is going to look at 31 horror movies that maybe aren't considered high-quality entertainment. It's a month of schlock, so of course, I had to call it...

Week one is a short week, so we'll look at five ocean-going horror films, then week two is all about slashers and experiments (both scientific and social), followed by a week of aliens and apocalyptic flicks, then a week of prehistoric horror films (not just dinosaurs), and finally we conclude with another short week that I'm not going to spoil just yet. 

Not every movie reviewed will be terrible. In fact, I'm throwing in some pretty great ones, and a number of lesser-known flicks that have plenty of merit, as well. It begins October 1st and runs through the month up to Halloween. Tune in to the sixth year of Clayton's Creepy Cinema, and learn the true meaning of schlock!

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