Motel Hell (1980) Review
A number of years ago, my cousin and I discovered a
sub-genre (more of a sub-sub-genre, really) of horror we can only refer to as
“food-related-horror” and have made it a tradition to watch a new one every
Thanksgiving. For the final reviews of Schlocktober, I’m going to look at five
such films, concluding with the one that started our tradition in the first
place. First up is Motel Hell, which
is one of the best the sub-sub-genre has to offer.

Motel Hell is
almost a serious horror movie, but not quite. The filmmakers intended for it to
be played as straight horror, but like the original Evil Dead, the low budget made it evolve into a horror-comedy
hybrid that still managed to be creepy, but also purposefully funny, and just
plain campy. A number of moments are meant to be darkly comic, and they mostly
work. The heads poking out of the ground gargling is pretty disturbing, but the
camera lingers on them too long, to the point of becoming more goofy than
The characters are all quirky, but the bad ones are also a
little menacing at times. At other times, they’re just hilarious. One of the
funniest scenes has a kinky couple getting it on in their motel room, and
Vincent and his sister enter with the intention to tie them up and take them to
their garden, but the couple think they are just into bondage, so welcome them
into their room and laugh as they get tied up and gassed. It’s twisted, but

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